SCEIS Training Accreditation and Recognition Certification (STAR)

The SCEIS Training Accreditation and Recognition (STAR) certification program was designed to identify SCEIS users who have completed specific training requirements in SCEIS Human Resources (HR) and Payroll modules and can demonstrate their knowledge by passing a certification exam. STAR certification is optional. You can perform all transactions effectively in SCEIS without becoming STAR certified.

HR and Payroll Learning Paths

SCEIS offers STAR certification to HR and Payroll users in the following learning paths:

  • Organizational Management and Personnel Administration
  • Time and Leave Management
  • Benefits and Payroll Administration

Certification Benefits

  • Upon completing all requirements, users will receive a framed program certificate during the certification ceremony.
  • The STAR certification will be recorded in the employees' HR records in SCEIS for Certification and Licensing.*
  • Users can promote their STAR certification on resumes and applications for state job opportunities. This may become more important as more agencies note STAR certification as a preferred qualification.


Users receive STAR certification by:

  • Completing all courses in the chosen learning path. Click here to view the required courses for each learning path. All Courses must have been completed after July 1, 2016. Candidates are responsible for knowing all course materials regardless of agency use.
  • Holding applicable SCEIS security roles that correspond with the learning path.
  • Having two or more years of experience within those security roles.
  • Candidates must be an active state employee at a SCEIS state agency at the time of their application through the certification exam in May. If the candidate's employment status changes during this time, they must contact SCEIS Training (
  • Scoring 80% or higher on the certification exam. Exams are administered at the SCEIS office in May each year.

2025 STAR Timeline

  • Sept. 1, 2024: Application process begins for May 2025 STAR certification exams.
  • Jan. 17, 2025: Application deadline.
  • Jan. 22, 2025: Applicants receive eligibility notifications indicating if they meet program requirements.
  • Feb. 2025: Eligible candidates must attend a mandatory virtual meeting to receive exam information and links to training materials for exams.
  • May 2025: STAR certification exams are administered.

Click on the links below to access the application for each learning path.

STAR Benefits and Payroll Administration Certification Application (714kb PDF)

STAR Organizational Management and Personnel Administration Certification Application (713kb PDF)

STAR Time and Leave Administration Certification Application (715kb PDF)

Validity and Recertification

STAR certification remains valid for five years. Users who wish to renew their certification must complete any new or significantly updated courses required by SCEIS and take the exam again.


There is no fee to apply for or take a STAR certification exam.

*HR professionals will add the STAR certificate to Infotype 0795 for Certification and Licensure.