Agency Implementation Guide

The SCEIS Agency Implementation Guide and its associated tools are designed to assist agencies preparing to implement SCEIS, and to equip agencies to analyze the cost benefits of SCEIS.

The SCEIS Agency Implementation Guide may need occasional revisions. The table below contains the most up-to-date version of the SCEIS Agency Implementation Guide and its associated tools, along with notes describing recent changes.

If you have any questions about the SCEIS Agency Implementation Guide, please send them to

Agency Implementation Guide, supporting documents and update history
Publication Revision Date Revision Location(s) Description of Revision
Cost Savings Survey March 23, 2009 Complete Document Initial publication, to assist in gathering data for the Cost Efficiency Measurement Toolkit spreadsheets - (42kb Excel). This supports page 7, Section 2.1 in the Agency Implementation Guide.
One-Time Cost Savings Toolkit April 14, 2009 Complete Document Initialpublication, to assist in gathering data for the One-Time Cost SavingsToolkit spreadsheets - (208kb Excel). This supports page 7, Section 2.1 in the Agency Implementation Guide .
Agency Expenditures in Implementing SCEIS April 2, 2009 Complete Document Initial publication - (21kb Excel)
Agency Readiness Checklist for Phase 3 Agencies May 7, 2009 Throughout Docoument Revisions to activities in multiple months. If you are working from a printed copy, we recommend you reprint all pages. - (198kb PDF)

Agency Readiness Checklist for Phase 4 Agencies

February 4, 2010  Throughout Document  Numerous revisions to activities and timelines. - (304kb PDF)

Agency Readiness Checklist for Live Agencies

March 27, 2009
Agency Implementation Guide April 14, 2009 pp7, 22, 39, 41-42, 44, 46, 57-58 p7: Add One-Time Cost Savings Toolkit

p39: Revise chart title and page title

p46: Additional charting information

pp22, 41-42, 44, 57-58: Formatting changes, internal navigation tools
Agency Implementation Costs Complete Document  Initial publication - (14kb PDF)