Line X Errors for Purchase Orders - SRM Guide to Hard Stop and Common Errors

Below is a collection of hard stop and common errors related to Purchase Orders with a title that begins with "Line x".  Select a topic for a quick-reference solution to a specific issue. 

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Line x: Associated contract item deactivated (28kb PDF)

Line x: Contract item 4400012398/4 may not be changed because follow-on documents exist (26kb PDF)

Line x: Error in account assignment for item x (83kb PDF)

Line x: Function area xxx is not defined  (83kb PDF)

Line x: Location xXxxxXXXX does not exist in corresponding contract 44000XXXXX (81kb PDF)

Line x: Quantity decimals does not match unit of measure XX customizing (25kb PDF)

Line x Select a location that is assigned to the plant chosen (26kb PDF)

Line x: The order quantity cannot be less than the quantity already confirmed (25kb PDF)

Line x: The sum of distributed values must equal XXX.XX (26kb PDF)


Posted: November 28, 2017