Bidding - SRM Guide to Hard Stop and Common Errors

Below is a collection of hard stop and common errors related to Bidding.  Select the Master List for a complete guide to resolving these errors, or select a topic below the Master List for a quick-reference solution to a specific issue.

Press the Ctrl and f keys on your keyboard simultaneously to display a text box you can use to search for keywords on this page. This search feature can also be used within the PDF documents below.

Master List

Bidding Guide to Hard Stop and Common Errors Master List (126kb PDF)


Individual Errors

Bidder is locked or archived (25kb PDF)

Bidder is locked or archived (69kb PDF)

Invalid value for What is your Document Selection (54kb PDF)

Line: Enter an Incoterm Line: You are not allowed to change quantities (24kb PDF)

Opening date xx/xx/xxxx is in the past (24kb PDF)

Output: No details for medium Mail in supplier master record (87kb PDF)

Release Document Builder document before releasing procurement document (25kb PDF)

Select a bidder with a contact person (25kb PDF)

Submission deadline for bids xx/xx/xxx at xx:00 is in the past (24kb PDF)

Updates available for document: run update report (70kb PDF)

Vendor does not allow surrogate bidding (25kb PDF)


Posted: November 27, 2017