Other Errors for Purchase Orders - SRM Guide to Hard Stop and Common Errors

Below is a collection of hard stop and common errors related to Purchase Orders.  Select a topic for a quick-reference solution to a specific issue. 

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Asset on Line item, cannot delete (85kb PDF)

Asset on Line item, cannot delete and System status INCOM is active (Purchase Order 46XXXXXXXX) and Order cannot be carried out (27kb PDF)

Budget not to be exceeded LVA xxxx (26kb PDF)

Cannot determine valid serial number 2017 (77kb PDF)

Category xxxxx deviates from category xxxxx in corresponding contract item (82kb PDF)

Contract expired; document date xx/xx/xxxx outside contract validity xx/xx/xxxx-xx/xx/xxxx (77kb PDF)

Corresponding contract xxxxxxxxxx is completed (25kb PDF)

Corresponding contract xxxxxxxxxx item does not exist (25kb PDF)

Doc Tol. Check. Shopping Cart linked to further PO items (81kb PDF)

Enter a Product Type (26kb PDF)

Error in currency from &USD& to in transfer of SC &200XXXXXXX (26kb PDF)

Error in external tax system (25kb PDF)

Item(s) marked No Further Confirmation or Invoice (26kb PDF)

Initialization of SAP GUI for HTML failed:{object Error} (40kb PDF)


FM posting date in wrong year or PO has not been carried forward (77kb PDF)

For Blanket transaction enter total value of line item in PO QUANTITY and 1.00 in Gross Price field (29kb PDF)

Goods Receipt (GR) / Invoice Receipt (IR) Reversed after Payment (26kb PDF)

Green Message: Output could not be created.  Inform system administration (81kb PDF)

Inadmissible movement type - Acceptance at vendor set for PO item (82kb PDF)

Must enter a Supplier Partner of type vendor (27kb PDF)

No address found for partner type xxx (80kb PDF)

No data found for employee 0000013558 inform system administrator (26kb PDF)

No Error Message.  PO status is Ordered.  However, the PO will not print.  Notice that the "Edit" button is missing (25kb PDF)

Non-PCA Blanket POs require split by Quantity in Cost Distribution Line item number (79kb PDF)

Not possible to calculate tax (25kb PDF)

Ordered PO. Can only be deleted at the line item (70kb PDF)

Partner xxxxxx not found with partner function type Goods Recipient (80kb PDF)

Partner xxxxxx not found with partner function type Request (80kb PDF)

PO "Create Draft" drop down list is not visible (80kb PDF)

Printed PO form "Date Issued" and "Validity From: xx/xx/xxxx   To: xx/xx/xxxx Decimals for Quantity and Amount incorrect (kb PDF)

Supplier does not exist (77kb PDF)

Supplier is not permitted (80kb PDF)

The Asset condition was violated (25kb PDF)

Note to Supplier or Internal Note text boxes are not visible in SRM (79kb PDF)

Updates available for document: run update report (69kb PDF)


Posted: November 28, 2017