MySCLearning Tools

MySCLearning is the online learning management system used for statewide training. It is continually updated with new offerings and gives the state and agency training managers a contemporary learning environment. The documents here provide users with step-by-step assistance for some of the most common tasks in MySCLearning, as well as support for agency implementations.

For All Users

Tip Sheets for MySCLearning:

FAQs for MySCLearning (256kb PDF)

Troubleshooting for MySCLearning (266kb PDF)

For Managers

View Employee Training Activities (259kb PDF)

Assign Learning to Employees (765kb PDF)

Nudge Employees' Training (318kb PDF)

Approve or Reject Employee Training Requests (364kb PDF)

Approve Credit for External Learning (461kb PDF)

For Agencies

Review All Employee Email Addresses in SCEIS (197kb PDF)

Maintain Employee Email Addresses in SCEIS (293kb PDF)

Technical Specifications for MySCLearning Content (186kb PDF)

MySCLearning Mandatory Network Settings (132kb PDF)